Our vision is simple: make profitable and green chemicals out of greenhouse gases
While in recent years there has been significant investment in CCUS, no singular silver bullet has emerged to deliver total global decarbonization.
The simple reality is that for more industries and sectors to adopt complete decarbonization practices, it must make economic sense for them to do so, with or without subsidies. We solved all the following hurdles with our solution:
Technically feasible
Energetically efficient
Profitable (even without subsidies)
Scalable and easily deployable
Doing What Has Never Been Possible Before
The Brightest Minds. The Best Science. A Revolutionary Platform.
Our company has gathered the brightest minds from multidisciplinary science and engineering backgrounds to create a unique and revolutionary platform for decarbonization. We are focused on providing industries an economically driven opportunity, rather than a band aid solution on an endless problem. To maximize implementation, we are CO₂ source agnostic and have designed our platform to be plug-in ready to existing industrial systems.
Our technology platform is capable of chemically upgrading CO₂ into high-value outputs profitably and at scale. Our proprietary plasma-based reactor and our fully modular platform enable a feedstock-to-output value enhancement that is unmatched by any other technology available today. This powerful solution effectively closes the loop on the carbon challenge, addressing both business imperatives and environmental concerns.
Carbogenesis in Numbers
CO₂ Conversion
Pure Syngas
<5 min
Total Startup/Cool Down Time